When David swung by the Shop, he was on his way back from 2 months climbing in Mexico (jealous!) and on his way to 3 months planting trees in Northern BC (not jealous.) Perfect timing to get some sweet dreads going, but no doubt getting them going right will make it a lot easier to handle in the middle of nowhere. Starting dreads yourself works great, but it's a lengthy process and most of the time involves a ton of daily backcombing and palmrolling - something not a lot of people are willing to do after hours of backbreaking backcountry work. (I get a lot of Reconstruction work after the season.) I'm confident that he's got the info and determination he needs to keep these looking great, especially since he's only got a fraction of the homework to do.
Dreads really suit him! Can't wait to see them get settled in, so I really hope he manages to hop a train (Yeah, dude can hop a train! One of many rad tales of the road he shared) into town on the way to his next crazy adventure.
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